Welcome to Green Living America Company
We are comprised of researchers and scientists from university research labs that are focused on developing bio-based, biodegradable materials and products from natural plant sources that can also be composted to enrich the soil for growing more plants.
Launched in 2015, since all our members are parents, we began our commercial efforts with children’s products that are natural, non-toxic, and give back to the environment and the future. Green Living America is committed to providing products that are safe for children and the environment using natural, organic, biodegradable and sustainable materials.
We source green to ensure safety
We are living in a CHEMICAL world. More than 85,000 synthetic chemicals are in use today and the vast majority of them have never been properly tested for safety. When one chemical is proven toxic, legislators often try to regulate it. This happened with Bisphenol-A (BPA), which some states recently banned from baby bottles. But these regulations can’t stop companies from shifting to a similar, unregulated chemical that has similar or even worse effects on people’s health. This is happening today with baby bottles, many of which are now labeled “BPA-Free” but contain BPA replacement chemicals that appear to have the same effects on people’s health. It is dangerous, it is rampant, and it is wrong.
The health impact from combining chemicals is also largely untested. Each time you buy a product containing unsafe or untested chemicals, you are exposing yourself and your family to the possible/known harmful effects of these chemicals. You are also exposing animals, plants, and other people to these chemicals throughout the product's life cycle -- manufacturing, use, and disposal. Exposure to unsafe chemicals can also lead to a condition known as multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), which can cause someone to have adverse reactions to even low-level exposures to chemicals.
We source natural, sustainably harvested, and renewable materials for our products. You are invited to take the "Toxics Out" challenge by switching from using products containing unsafe or untested chemicals to products containing nontoxic, bio-based ingredients. For example, we replace conventional plastics with bioplastics in our products. [Bioplastics are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, or microbiota. conventional plastics, such as fossil-fuel plastics (also called petrobased polymers), are derived from petroleum. Production of such plastics tends to require more fossil fuels and to produce more greenhouse gases than the production of biobased polymers (bioplastics).]
We use biodegradable materials to protect our environment
Pollution is the introduction of harmful contaminants into air, water or soil. Pollution may muddy landscapes, poison soils and waterways, or kill plants and animals. Humans are also regularly harmed by pollution. Long-term exposure to air pollution, for example, can lead to chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer and other diseases. Toxic chemicals that accumulate in top predators can make some species unsafe to eat. More than one billion people lack access to clean water and 2.4 billion don’t have adequate sanitation, putting them at risk of contracting deadly diseases. Children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to the health effects from these toxins. In many cases, exposure to pollution has a cumulative effect on the body.
Discarded plastics are a primary reason of pollution disarrayed rivers and wildlife which makes this world no-more a better place to live. However with every peril, there is a way for protection. Switching to Eco friendly plastic is a good idea. Eco friendly biodegradable materials can be composted to enrich the soil for growing more plants
We advocate green living lifestyle
We advocate a robust, vigorous and healthy lifestyle that preserve the environment, with a focus on sustaining rather than wasting for less environmental pollution and to minimize negative impact on consumer health, while providing optimal value.
Here are some green living tips:
Food: Buy local and organic food which requires less fuel for shipping or petrochemical based fertilizers and pesticides that can be harmful to human health and the environment.
Goods: Assess products on the basis of their entire life-cycle, not simply the time you use it. Support companies that will take back products after their useful life and reuse the materials. Be informed about the contents of personal care products and pharmaceuticals.
Housing: Change your incandescent lightbulbs to compact flourescent lights. The selection of energy efficient types is expanding and you'll save money on your electricity bill. Use strategies to green your home. If you have a yard, green landscaping can improve the sustainability of your yard.
Transportation: Use mass transit and carpool whenever possible. Explore biking and walking options and alternative fuels. If you drive, take the Drive Smarter Challenge.